30 research outputs found

    Contagion Source Detection in Epidemic and Infodemic Outbreaks: Mathematical Analysis and Network Algorithms

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    This monograph provides an overview of the mathematical theories and computational algorithm design for contagion source detection in large networks. By leveraging network centrality as a tool for statistical inference, we can accurately identify the source of contagions, trace their spread, and predict future trajectories. This approach provides fundamental insights into surveillance capability and asymptotic behavior of contagion spreading in networks. Mathematical theory and computational algorithms are vital to understanding contagion dynamics, improving surveillance capabilities, and developing effective strategies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and misinformation.Comment: Suggested Citation: Chee Wei Tan and Pei-Duo Yu (2023), "Contagion Source Detection in Epidemic and Infodemic Outbreaks: Mathematical Analysis and Network Algorithms", Foundations and Trends in Networking: Vol. 13: No. 2-3, pp 107-251. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/130000006

    DeepTrace: Learning to Optimize Contact Tracing in Epidemic Networks with Graph Neural Networks

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    The goal of digital contact tracing is to diminish the spread of an epidemic or pandemic by detecting and mitigating public health emergencies using digital technologies. Since the start of the COVID-1919 pandemic, a wide variety of mobile digital apps have been deployed to identify people exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and to stop onward transmission. Tracing sources of spreading (i.e., backward contact tracing), as has been used in Japan and Australia, has proven crucial as going backwards can pick up infections that might otherwise be missed at superspreading events. How should robust backward contact tracing automated by mobile computing and network analytics be designed? In this paper, we formulate the forward and backward contact tracing problem for epidemic source inference as maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation subject to subgraph sampling. Besides its restricted case (inspired by the seminal work of Zaman and Shah in 2011) when the full infection topology is known, the general problem is more challenging due to its sheer combinatorial complexity, problem scale and the fact that the full infection topology is rarely accurately known. We propose a Graph Neural Network (GNN) framework, named DeepTrace, to compute the ML estimator by leveraging the likelihood structure to configure the training set with topological features of smaller epidemic networks as training sets. We demonstrate that the performance of our GNN approach improves over prior heuristics in the literature and serves as a basis to design robust contact tracing analytics to combat pandemics

    Cell transcriptomic atlas of the non-human primate Macaca fascicularis.

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    Studying tissue composition and function in non-human primates (NHPs) is crucial to understand the nature of our own species. Here we present a large-scale cell transcriptomic atlas that encompasses over 1 million cells from 45 tissues of the adult NHP Macaca fascicularis. This dataset provides a vast annotated resource to study a species phylogenetically close to humans. To demonstrate the utility of the atlas, we have reconstructed the cell-cell interaction networks that drive Wnt signalling across the body, mapped the distribution of receptors and co-receptors for viruses causing human infectious diseases, and intersected our data with human genetic disease orthologues to establish potential clinical associations. Our M. fascicularis cell atlas constitutes an essential reference for future studies in humans and NHPs.We thank W. Liu and L. Xu from the Huazhen Laboratory Animal Breeding Centre for helping in the collection of monkey tissues, D. Zhu and H. Li from the Bioland Laboratory (Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health Guangdong Laboratory) for technical help, G. Guo and H. Sun from Zhejiang University for providing HCL and MCA gene expression data matrices, G. Dong and C. Liu from BGI Research, and X. Zhang, P. Li and C. Qi from the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health for experimental advice or providing reagents. This work was supported by the Shenzhen Basic Research Project for Excellent Young Scholars (RCYX20200714114644191), Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Single-Cell Omics (ZDSYS20190902093613831), Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL2019062801012) and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Genome Read and Write (2017B030301011). In addition, L.L. was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31900466), Y. Hou was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2018A030313379) and M.A.E. was supported by a Changbai Mountain Scholar award (419020201252), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA16030502), a Chinese Academy of Sciences–Japan Society for the Promotion of Science joint research project (GJHZ2093), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (92068106, U20A2015) and the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2021B1515120075). M.L. was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFC2600200).S

    Privacy-Enhancing Digital Contact Tracing with Machine Learning for Pandemic Response: A Comprehensive Review

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    The rapid global spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has severely impacted daily life worldwide. As potential solutions, various digital contact tracing (DCT) strategies have emerged to mitigate the virus’s spread while maintaining economic and social activities. The computational epidemiology problems of DCT often involve parameter optimization through learning processes, making it crucial to understand how to apply machine learning techniques for effective DCT optimization. While numerous research studies on DCT have emerged recently, most existing reviews primarily focus on DCT application design and implementation. This paper offers a comprehensive overview of privacy-preserving machine learning-based DCT in preparation for future pandemics. We propose a new taxonomy to classify existing DCT strategies into forward, backward, and proactive contact tracing. We then categorize several DCT apps developed during the COVID-19 pandemic based on their tracing strategies. Furthermore, we derive three research questions related to computational epidemiology for DCT and provide a detailed description of machine learning techniques to address these problems. We discuss the challenges of learning-based DCT and suggest potential solutions. Additionally, we include a case study demonstrating the review’s insights into the pandemic response. Finally, we summarize the study’s limitations and highlight promising future research directions in DCT

    Prediction of blood–brain barrier penetrating peptides based on data augmentation with Augur

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    Abstract Background The blood–brain barrier serves as a critical interface between the bloodstream and brain tissue, mainly composed of pericytes, neurons, endothelial cells, and tightly connected basal membranes. It plays a pivotal role in safeguarding brain from harmful substances, thus protecting the integrity of the nervous system and preserving overall brain homeostasis. However, this remarkable selective transmission also poses a formidable challenge in the realm of central nervous system diseases treatment, hindering the delivery of large-molecule drugs into the brain. In response to this challenge, many researchers have devoted themselves to developing drug delivery systems capable of breaching the blood–brain barrier. Among these, blood–brain barrier penetrating peptides have emerged as promising candidates. These peptides had the advantages of high biosafety, ease of synthesis, and exceptional penetration efficiency, making them an effective drug delivery solution. While previous studies have developed a few prediction models for blood–brain barrier penetrating peptides, their performance has often been hampered by issue of limited positive data. Results In this study, we present Augur, a novel prediction model using borderline-SMOTE-based data augmentation and machine learning. we extract highly interpretable physicochemical properties of blood–brain barrier penetrating peptides while solving the issues of small sample size and imbalance of positive and negative samples. Experimental results demonstrate the superior prediction performance of Augur with an AUC value of 0.932 on the training set and 0.931 on the independent test set. Conclusions This newly developed Augur model demonstrates superior performance in predicting blood–brain barrier penetrating peptides, offering valuable insights for drug development targeting neurological disorders. This breakthrough may enhance the efficiency of peptide-based drug discovery and pave the way for innovative treatment strategies for central nervous system diseases

    Resveratrol Ameliorates the Depressive-Like Behaviors and Metabolic Abnormalities Induced by Chronic Corticosterone Injection

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    Chronic glucocorticoid exposure is known to cause depression and metabolic disorders. It is critical to improve abnormal metabolic status as well as depressive-like behaviors in patients with long-term glucocorticoid therapy. This study aimed to investigate the effects of resveratrol on the depressive-like behaviors and metabolic abnormalities induced by chronic corticosterone injection. Male ICR mice were administrated corticosterone (40 mg/kg) by subcutaneous injection for three weeks. Resveratrol (50 and 100 mg/kg), fluoxetine (20 mg/kg) and pioglitazone (10 mg/kg) were given by oral gavage 30 min prior to corticosterone administration. The behavioral tests showed that resveratrol significantly reversed the depressive-like behaviors induced by corticosterone, including the reduced sucrose preference and increased immobility time in the forced swimming test. Moreover, resveratrol also increased the secretion of insulin, reduced serum level of glucose and improved blood lipid profiles in corticosterone-treated mice without affecting normal mice. However, fluoxetine only reverse depressive-like behaviors, and pioglitazone only prevent the dyslipidemia induced by corticosterone. Furthermore, resveratrol and pioglitazone decreased serum level of glucagon and corticosterone. The present results indicated that resveratrol can ameliorate depressive-like behaviors and metabolic abnormalities induced by corticosterone, which suggested that the multiple effects of resveratrol could be beneficial for patients with depression and/or metabolic syndrome associated with long-term glucocorticoid therapy

    Study on the microcrystal cellulose and the derived 2D graphene and relative carbon materials

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    Abstract Microcrystal cellulose (MCC) is a green and sustainable resource that widely exists in various lignocellulose species in percentage 10% to 30%. The fine powder of MCC is often discarded in industrial productions that use lignocellulose as feedstock. The crystal structure of two types of MCC (sugarcane pith and bamboo pith) and their derived carbon materials are studied, and the key findings are summarized as follows. (1) In the MCC refined from sugarcane pith, there are large amount of cellulose 2D crystal, which can be converted to valuable 2D graphene crystal. (2) In the MCC refined from bamboo pith there are large amount of cluster microcrystal cellulose, which can be converted to soft and elastic graphene microcrystal (GMC). (3) The 2D cellulose in MCC of sugarcane pith has large surface area and is easily to be degraded to sugars by acid–base hydrolysis reaction, which can be carbonized to Fullerenes-like carbon spheres. (4) The crystal structures of MCC derived carbon materials are strongly impacted by the crystal structures of MCC, and the carbonization reaction of MCC follows “in situ carbonization” and “nearby recombination” mechanism. In general, the results from this study may open a new way for value-added applications of microcrystal cellulose

    New Caffeoylquinic Acid Derivatives and Flavanone Glycoside from the Flowers of <i>Chrysanthemum morifolium</i> and Their Bioactivities

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    The Chrysanthemum morifolium flower is widely used in China and Japan as a food, beverage, and medicine for many diseases. In our work, two new caffeoylquinic acid derivatives (1, 2), a new flavanone glycoside (3), and six reported flavanones (4&#8315;9) were isolated and identified from the flowers of C. morifolium. The chemical structures of all isolates were elucidated by the analysis of comprehensive spectroscopic data as well as by comparison with previously reported data. The isolated constituents 1&#8315;8 were evaluated for their neuroprotective activity, and compounds 3 and 4 displayed neuroprotective effects against hydrogen peroxide-induced neurotoxicity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells

    A comparative study for the organic byproducts from hydrothermal carbonizations of sugarcane bagasse and its bio-refined components cellulose and lignin.

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    Sugarcane bagasse was refined into cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin using an ethanol-based organosolv technique. The hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) reactions were applied for bagasse and its two components cellulose and lignin. Based on GC-MS analysis, 32 (13+19) organic byproducts were derived from cellulose and lignin, more than the 22 byproducts from bagasse. Particularly, more valuable catechol products were obtained from lignin with 56.8% share in the total GC-MS integral area, much higher than the 2.263% share in the GC-MS integral areas of bagasse. The organic byproducts from lignin make up more than half of the total mass of lignin, indicating that lignin is a chemical treasure storage. In general, bio-refinery and HTC are two effective techniques for the valorization of bagasse and other biomass materials from agriculture and forest industry. HTC could convert the inferior biomass to superior biofuel with higher energy quantity of combustion, at the same time many valuable organic byproducts are produced. Bio-refinery could promote the HTC reaction of biomass more effective. With the help of bio-refinery and HTC, bagasse and other biomass materials are not only the sustainable energy resource, but also the renewable and environment friendly chemical materials, the best alternatives for petroleum, coal and natural gas